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What is SEO Copywriting? Why It’s Important For Your Business

Business owners have a range of competing priorities when it comes to growing their online business, making it difficult to know what tasks will move the needle and gain the greatest traction. SEO copywriting is a service that can significantly impact the growth of an online business by improving visibility and ensuring that customers and clients have a stronger understanding of who your business is. If your website is not performing and your competitor’s products and services continue to hold the market share, then it might be time to refresh your content and deploy SEO copywriting.

At Trafficon, we are dedicated to providing businesses across Australia and beyond with high-quality content marketing services. So, let’s review what SEO copywriting is, and why it’s important for your business.

What is SEO Copywriting?

Here at Trafficon, we have seen clients with web pages that have no SEO strategy or optimised content. In equal parts, we have also encountered clients that ‘keyword stuff’, resulting in poor user experience as well as being penalised by Google. SEO copywriting is about implementing best-practise SEO to inform Google what the page is about, what intent it serves, and how it can provide value to the searcher. It also has to come together cohesively so that the audience can understand what the page is trying to say, and be compelling enough that the reader gets what they need for that search request.

Ideally, SEO copywriting is both informative and able to elicit an action from the reader. Trafficon has a team of copywriters tasked with creating and optimising content so that all products and services are in the best position to drive traffic and create a valuable experience for all audiences. This, coupled with the work of our SEO specialists and head content editor ensures a high standard of quality across everything we write.

How SEO Copywriting Boosts Relevance and Authority

Regardless of the Google updates and algorithm shifts, Google is consistent in its goal of sending traffic to web pages based on the relevance and authority of the page. One of the key ways that Google measures relevance and authority is how often the searched keyword is used, where they are used and how these keywords create content.

By using H1s, H2s, and body content to structure your content, Google can easily assess that your copy meets the search intent of your audience. Cut the jargon, be concise and use popular and researched search terms within your copy so that you do not miss out on the SEO traffic your website deserves.

What is SEO Copywriting? Why It’s Important For Your Business

What Can Effective SEO Copywriting Achieve?

Now that we have a greater understanding of how SEO copywriting can signal to Google what a web page is about, let’s discuss what result you can expect when investing time and research into SEO copywriting.

Gain a competitive edge

Enhancing your viability is going to allow you to gain a competitive edge, whether you operate in a niche or not. SEO is a priory for all businesses and failure to optimise your website means that you are missing out on a large portion of the pie. If you are a smaller business than your competitors, then a robust SEO copywriting strategy will allow you to compete on an even playing ground.

Better “bang for your buck”

A marketing budget will often have to cover several areas and activities, so you want your SEO investment to be most effective and have your content ready to perform. Whether you are spending money on Google Ads or link building, search-optimised content is going to see that activity be more successful. In fact, SEO copywriting is so effective that many businesses see it as a cost-saving activity that is able to drive traffic organically.

A compelling call to action

When a potential customer lands on your website, is it clear what they are supposed to do? Using an SEO copywriter will bring an action to each webpage, guiding the reader through the next steps, whether that means more information-gathering, signing up for something, adding to cart, or any sales and marketing function. Businesses can get so tied up in the overall strategy of their website, that often these smaller actions are lost in the production.

SEO Copywriting is Informed by Research

Before optimising your existing content and creating new content, keyword research needs to be conducted. Trafficon uses a range of programs that assess search intent, traffic trends and identify opportunities. Often keyword research can uncover that search terms might be a variation of the technical name, and so small and large changes to language can make a significant impact on a web page’s performance.

A keyword strategy will typically include generic keywords which are searched in high volumes, niche terms that are searched less, and questions can even be a search term also. An experienced SEO copywriter will cleverly incorporate these keywords naturally and can format the content in a way that responds to a search query comprehensively.

Want to find out more about content marketing? Looking for new ways to boost the effectiveness of your SEO campaigns? Explore the Trafficon digital marketing blog today, and stay up-to-date with new digital marketing tips and tricks.

About Me

Trafficon is a team of experienced digital marketing specialists dedicated to providing online businesses across Australia and beyond with the skills they need to thrive and grow. With a focus on website design, SEO, content, and SEM, Trafficon is the key to a better online experience.

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