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How to Use Fantastic Keyword Research in Copywriting & Content Writing

  Keyword research is a vital part of any SEO specialist’s toolbox, but it’s also incredibly valuable for entrepreneurs to have this skill themselves. For businesses, search engines and keyword research are the secret sauce that filters the plethora of information on the internet and directs it to a targeted audience. One of the methods

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Blogging For SEO: How (and Why) You Should Make Your Posts SEO-Friendly

  Any discussion about the pros and cons of blogging, especially blogging for SEO, must first clarify the reasoning behind blogging and the part it plays in a successful digital marketing strategy.  In a nutshell, regular blogging using content that is crafted to suit your target audience creates an organic ‘hook’ to attract and retain

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Writing History: How Audience Connection Has Evolved in the Digital Age

Writing History: How Audience Connection Has Evolved in the Digital Age

  The evolution of the written word to communicate information to the masses has undergone a seismic shift in a comparatively short period of time.  Officially, digital technology can be traced back to the 1970s but a significant move to digital content only occurred in the last decade of the twentieth century. This means that

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